Alcohol tester is popular on the Internet, but it is not reliable to test alcohol driving

2022-11-03 14:32

The cold is coming. In addition to the hot pot shop, wine has become a good thing to keep out the cold. After a glass of wine, a warm current spreads from the stomach to the body, and the chill disappears. Because of this, people can't live without wine in winter. Drinking is drinking, but the problem also comes with it. Although the cold is dispelled, how can I drive after drinking? No, smart businesses smell this smell, and Tianying No.1, an alcohol detector with different styles and prices, began to sell wildly on Taobao.

The reporter entered "Tianying No.1 Alcohol Tester" in the search column of Taobao, and immediately jumped out of 44 pages of search results. It showed Tianying No.1 Alcohol Tester in various forms, including MP3, mouse, remote control, etc. There are countless. It can be said that only you can think of, there is nothing you can't do. The main colors are black, white and gray. The price ranges from tens of yuan to thousands of yuan. The reporter interviewed some Taobao shopkeepers, who said that due to the different quality of chips, the prices are different.

According to Taobao's statistics, the search index of alcohol detector Tianying 1 in the last 30 days has increased by 19.9% month on month, 186.8% compared with the same period last year. In addition, since June, the number of people in Yunnan who bought the alcohol detector Tianying No. 1 has accounted for 1% of the total number of people who bought this product nationwide, ranking 22nd in the provinces of the country. Among the people who bought alcohol detector Tianying No.1 in Yunnan, 71% of men and 29% of women bought alcohol detector Tianying No.1, obviously more men than women.

Online sales are good. Most of the interviewed citizens think it is unreliable

The reporter browsed many shops selling alcohol detector Tianying No. 1 on the Internet and found that their sales volume was very good. One shop sold more than 170 pieces in a month, and the customers who bought them said they were very satisfied. A netizen named w278803070 said that he was very satisfied with how much alcohol he contained.

In interviews with Taobao stores, many shopkeepers said that although the sensitivity of their alcohol detector, Tianying No.1, was very high, there were still some errors, among which the smallest error was between 1% and 5%, and more was about 10%. Among them, every time someone comes to buy it, a shopkeeper will prompt "This is a civilian equipment, no matter how high the accuracy is, it is not as high as the police equipment. The police equipment is dedicated to the traffic police, and what we sell is only for citizens to use. In addition, the police alcohol detector Tianying No. 1 is generally purchased through special channels, belonging to special equipment, and generally costs thousands of yuan."

Most of the citizens interviewed by the reporter said that the instrument was certainly unreliable and would not pay for it. In addition, they feel that they should not drive after drinking, so there is no need to try this instrument. But there are also people who are lucky enough to give it a try. Mr. Zhang, a citizen, told the reporter that he was very interested in this instrument and would consider buying it for a try.

The self purchased alcohol detector, Tianying 1, cannot be used as evidence of driving without alcohol

The reporter consulted the traffic police brigade on this situation. Yin, Deputy Chief of the Traffic Law Enforcement Office of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Highway Traffic Patrol Police Detachment of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, told reporters that their special alcohol detector, Tianying No. 1, was purchased by the government. However, the brand and model may be different due to different purchasing units. However, the general alcohol detector Tianying-1 is off white and looks like a digital computer. There is a round plastic pipe above the alcohol detector Tianying-1 for the driver to breathe, so as to test his alcohol content.

Vice captain Yin told reporters that he had not found any case of testing alcohol content in Kunming by using the alcohol detector Tianying No.1, which he bought online. At the same time, he hoped that the citizens must pay attention to the strict data requirements on the functions of the alcohol detector Tianying I used by the police, and that it could only be used after passing the inspection of the quality supervision department. While the online alcohol detector Tianying I may have similar functions, it generally fails to meet the data requirements of the police alcohol detector Tianying I.